Fiona's Story

October 6, 2023

Having a network to turn to definitely makes it easier

Here I am, 16 months into my roller coaster of a breastfeeding journey and going strong! I never thought I would get this far, but am loving every minute. 

Myself and my baby had a bumpy start with him coming at 35 weeks and my milk taking a little time to come in, so with the help of lactation consultants at the hospital I began with a breastfeeding, pumping and formula top up regime. It was a little bit daunting as I wasn't sure I was doing things right and there were so many voices to listen to but I got some great advice from my local La Leche League and Cuidiu groups and as the days went by my confidence grew and I needed the top ups less and less. It only took about 2 weeks before I got rid of them altogether.

I have found breastfeeding liberating, for the first 6 months you have everything your baby needs within you and even when they are weaning you can comfort them and enjoy feeding when out and about! I've had the bites, the mastitis, the negative comments but nothing outweighs the joy of feeding and the connection I feel to my baby. 

Flash forward 14 months and it was time to go back to work! I was worried about how this would work given I had never left my baby with anyone and he was still feeding multiple times a day. It was fantastic when the new legislation came in weeks before I started and guaranteed time to pump at work. Although at 14 months I didn't have to pump, I have been pumping twice a day and sending milk to creche with him. It gives me comfort when I have to leave him and he loves it during the day. 

Pumping at work is weird - we have a wellness room that I use and is comfortable but I have found myself pumping with other people present when I cant get it to myself. I think you need to feel pretty confident to keep it up but I am sharing my journey with others in work to try and encourage a community and to offer support to anyone who needs it. Hopefully by sharing we can create a more positive view of breastfeeding for those who are thinking about trying but not sure. Having a network to turn to definitely makes it easier.

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