I am so grateful to have persevered on my breastfeeding journey with Jesper. It wasn't an easy start - Jesper was too drowsy to feed consistently at the breast when he was born and so we took on the challenge of triple feeding to ensure he was nourished sufficiently and to develop and protect my milk supply. This was no simple feat with the three hourly ritual of breastfeeding, pumping and then topping him up with a bottle completed bleary-eyed around the clock.
Although tough, like most aspects of having a newborn, the testing times fade into distant memory. Within days Jesper was taking breast milk (no more need for formula) from breast and bottle and within weeks he was exclusively breastfed and thriving. Four months on and I have a happy baby boy who enjoys the freedom of breastfeeding on demand out and about! Not only have I watched as my milk has nourished him to grow and develop but it has also been his go-to for comfort and closeness with me.
I am really enjoying my breastfeeding journey with Jesper. I could not have done it without the support I have received from the hospital midwives, lactation consultant, La Leche League, husband, family and friends. Like everything else in motherhood, it has been a steep learning curve but as such all the more rewarding!