La Leche League of Ireland Weekly Zoom Meetings

Lynn Carroll • June 8, 2023

La Leche League of Ireland held our first Zoom meeting in March 2020 one week after the county went into lockdown and we have continued to hold meetings every week since, on Thursday mornings from 10.30am to 12.30pm. We soon discovered that there was a massive need for these meetings as a lot of mothers who had their babies during the pandemic were not able to see anyone.  Hospitals were too busy trying to cope with the pandemic and they were holding no classes at all during this time so parents were

feeling very isolated and they had no one to answer their questions. 

As the world opened up again and our in person groups began to start running, we continued to provide our weekly Zoom all Ireland meeting, while some groups continued to run online meetings themselves. This means mothers and parents normally have a choice each week of online meetings, and can choose the day and time that suits them best. If they pop a message onto the contact number/email listed for that meeting, they will receive the link to join from the meeting organiser. Mothers don’t need to go to a meeting from their area - they can attend any one they like, which is one of the benefits of our online groups. 

At the meetings people can ask questions directly to the Leaders, and mothers are encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences with the others on the Zoom, quite like how a La Leche League meeting is run in person. We encourage participants to
“take what you need and leave the rest behind” .

Our weekly Zoom schedule is published every Sunday for the week ahead, on our Facebook and Instagram pages. You can also access the details on the calendar on our website: 

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